Cooks Marine Services Launch New Website

Cooks Marine Services Launch New Website

Cooks Marine Services Launch New Website Cooks Marine Services are pleased to announce the launch of our new website! We have wanted to update our website for a while to truly showcase the work we do and to own a website to be proud of. We have an extensive archive of...
What are the different types of moorings?

What are the different types of moorings?

What are the different types of moorings? So, what is a mooring? A mooring can be loosely defined as a permanent structure to which a vessel can be tied. There are many different types of moorings and we have listed some below for your information. The key to...
A Brief History of Riverbank Repair Techniques

A Brief History of Riverbank Repair Techniques

A Brief History of Riverbank Repair Techniques All riverbanks are subject to erosion, eventually this can lead to riverbank failure. For example, the images below show the signs of a bank slip taking place and then the aftereffects following the collapse. Riverbank...
What is Marine Piling?

What is Marine Piling?

What is Marine Piling? The purpose of marine piling is to protect or retain a riverbank or other bodies of water. It is the process of installing deep foundations into the ground to retain or support what is above the water.  A modern technique of marine piling is...
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